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Let's Talk Platform

What truly is a platform? Merriam- Webster defines it as "a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands."

In a sense, a platform elevates a person above the noise. It provides a place where a voice can be heard. It allows an opportunity for a different point of view - for a clearer vision of the speaker and the audience.

What if you were given a platform that allowed your voice to be heard across the world? What if you had one moment to share your heart, to change a mind, to inspire, to motivate, to encourage those around you? What would you do with it? What words would you share? Would they lift people up? Could those words make a difference?

The thought is quite exciting, but what about that one moment? How can you make it count?

Because only you know you best, I will answer that question with another question. What is it you are passionate about? What moves your soul? What makes you pause at every encounter? Where do you feel led to lead? Will what you share be helpful, not harmful? Will it bring peace and growth?

By now, I am guessing these questions have placed an idea on your heart - something specific to who you are and what you are passionate about. Hold on to that idea, because, that my friend, is a great place to start.

Personally, I am passionate about STEM, particularly molecular medicine. I have a heart to help hurting people. I'm fascinated by progress in medicine, addressing disease by promoting a healthy and long life, both physically and developmentally. As a biochemistry student, STEM ambassador, EPSCOR intern, and medical mission supporter, it is my goal to immerse myself in educational and social opportunities that will fuel my passion to learn. Sure, I spend a lot of time talking about important issues with others, but every "teaching moment," teaches me as well. Quite honestly, learning never ends! The awareness of this point leads to the next ingredient in an excellent platform - humility.

A voice is incredible! So are ears. One of the best ways we can help others is to listen. Pause to enjoy those around you. Hear their hearts. Ask questions that help you understand their point of view. Share your experiences with each other. Because here's the thing, life is a constant platform. It is made up of moments and opportunities. Enjoy and take advantage of each one. Be present - but most of all be kind.

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