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The Journey is the Destination, or....

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

Results are an interesting concept. Everything we do produces a result - some positive, others negative. We learn the "if, then" motto very early in life - if I cry, then I get fed, changed, held etc. As we grow, our understanding of how choices impact outcomes expands. We learn to set goals and take steps toward those goals.

Goals are important. They keep us motivated, and keep us moving. They encourage confidence, and success as we accomplish the things we set out to do. They identify problems and achieve solutions. They rally people together who work in tandem supporting great causes.

It has often been said to "keep your eye on the prize." There is, no doubt, benefit in doing so. It is also said that "life is all about the climb." Truth lies within that statement as well, which begs to question - is the journey in the destination, or is the destination simply the journey? That is something each individual must decide for his/herself. I surmise the answer is both. Here are a couple of tips to find balance in the process.

  1. Set a big goal, but divide it into smaller steps. This will allow you to accomplish success all along the way. It will also break up your workload into more easily achievable tasks, thereby preventing feelings of burnout or stress.

  2. Have fun. Let's face it, reaching our goals can, and will be hard work. Remember to have fun along the way. Take time to enjoy the little things. Take time to enjoy each person you meet.

  3. Celebrate your successes. Now I'm not saying you need to decorate and throw a party at each step, unless you want to of course, but relish in your achievements. Share the good news with someone who will be excited for you.

  4. Surround yourself with a variety of people. It is important in your journey to have people who lift you up and support you. It is as equally important to have people who will kindly, but honestly tell you if you are off course. Be willing to accept feedback.

  5. Give yourself permission to take a break. Even God took a break after designing the heavens and the earth. He rested. He sat back and said it "is good." Sometimes rest clears the mind and sparks creativity.

  6. Last, but not least, recalculate if needed. Our journey's teach us new things. If we are willing to learn what the journey is teaching us, we will find that sometimes it is necessary to go back to the drawing board, and that's okay!

What goals are your currently working on? I'd love to hear about them!

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